Saturday, September 28, 2013

Roles Reversed

Aside from size, my family is your typical, ordinary family. We operate in the same way that families have been operating for centuries: the kids go to school and help with chores, mom stays home to cook and clean, and dad works all day in order to provide for the family. Day in and day out, this is what my family does; this is what makes life normal for us.

But I’ve noticed in recent years a change in how the family operates. Instead of mom staying home to cook and clean, she gets a degree in college and gets a job, leaving dad to stay home and care for the kids and take care of the house.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Who's Buying You?

I love being entertained. I always have been, and I always will be. The film industry is something that has always had a special part in my life (perhaps a little too much…*ahem*). But what’s wrong with entertainment today, aside from the fact that I may be a little obsessed with Disney?